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Freely Channel Updates August 2024

Many of you have grown accustomed to my Freeview update blogs, where I explain the real ins-and-outs of the Freeview EPG with more details than just a table of changes.

Well, now that Freely is off the ground, I will do likewise for Freely Updates. As always you can find the tables provided by Freeview/Freely on their official site here, and for the full scoop read on!

Please Note: These changes are for Freely services, which are currently only accessible on specific TV devices manufactured for 2024. If your device isn't on this list, please look for Freeview Updates instead.

Freely Channels Moving August 2024

First and foremost, just like Freeview, we have some channels changing spots in the EPG. Now, Freely might be accessed via internet (With aerial still required for some channels and as a backup, for now...) but it's still bound by rules of bandwidth and airspace.

This means the EPG still needs to be laid out in a logical way to allow all channels to "fit"!

That's TV (UK)

The entire range of That's TV channels available on Freely in the UK are shifting around their channel numbers.

Some of them are even switching places! So be sure you're heading to the right channel number for all the usual iconic series', documentaries and music that That's TV offers.

That's TV (UK) has moved from Number 45 to Freely Channel 42.

That's TV 2

Following suit, the That's TV 2 broadcast is shuffling from number 46 down to Freely Channel 45.

That's TV 3

The third numbered variant, That's TV 3, is now positioned at Freely Channel 46 (Having been kicked out the 42 spot by That's TV (UK)!)

That's TV (UK) MCR

Even an internet-based TV system isn't going to disregard the MCR channels!

For the uninitiated, MCR channels are not channels dedicated to the 2000's Emo band My Chemical Romance, but are instead Manchester-based broadcasts.

That's TV (UK) MCR is on Freely Channel 59 now, much closer to its brothers than its prior spot at 148!

That's TV 2 MCR

Finally, That's TV 2 MCR is now located on Freely Channel 148, swapping places with the main That's TV (UK) MCR channel. It makes sense to have the main broadcast closer to the start of the EPG, with That's TV 2 MCR a suitable alternative when needed.

Brand New Freely Channels August 2024

With Freely being fresh on the airwaves, there's bound to be new channels joining the roster week-in-week-out! This is potentially the most exciting section for upcoming updates.

For now, the new channels we have recently seen hit Freeview are being ported over to Freely.


Trailblazer launched as a Hybrid Channel on Freeview, which means it's also accessible to the Freely system due to the internet side of that Hybrid broadcast.

Trailblazer is on Freely Channel 586, and if you find out what sort of content they show then let your Freeview-only friends know!

Odyssey TV

Another of the recent wave of Hybrid Channels on Freeview. Odyssey TV is therefore also immediately available on Freely at Freely Channel 587.

Odyssey TV is another branch of Freeview/Freely's international TV efforts including broadcasts from the US, Africa, Europe and Japan. Odyssey TV itself is a Greek broadcast in this vein.

Global Arabic +

Global Arabic + has been added to Freely Channel 588.

Global Arabic + is already an app for mobile and online, so has easy integration with Freely.

The app supports online access to a range of channels such as Saudi TV 1, Oman TV, Kuwait TV 1 and more.

This is another part of the internationality of the Freeview lineup which now, across over 100 channels, features UK, USA, European, Asian, African and Australian content!

Freely Channels Shutting Down August 2024

Freely might be struggling to keep up with Freeview, but it gets hit by cancellations all the same.

Just like Freeview, the following channels won't be accessible from August.


NYX has left us from Freely Channel 289.

A channel specialising in horror flicks and series (Hence being named for the Chthonic God of night, Nyx), NYX did fill a niche. But, perhaps one too small to justify a place on the EPG.

Talk TV (DTT)

Now then, Talk TV (DTT) is, clearly, the DTT version of the channel. This means the online versions are still accessible, so Freely could capitalise on that and keep the online version around.

But for now Talk TV is off the EPG until further notice.

Seen On TV

Ah Seen On TV, you were but a young channel. Lasting all of a few months on both Freeview and Freely combined, Seen On TV was a valiant attempt at some historic TV Shopping.

Freely Channels Renamed August 2024

Finally for our very first Freely Channel Update, we have some renames. Surprise surprise, it's the music channels!

Just like Freeview, the Freely variants are shying away from classifying themselves by decade and now are defined by genre of music. This is a nice change, that encourages a wider variety of content without ruining the vibe for anyone who wants something specific.

That's 80s

That's 80s is now That's Melody. Likewise, That's 80s MCR is now That's Melody MCR.

That's 90's MCR

That's 90's MCR loses the decade and focuses on Rock, becoming That's Rock MCR.

That's Memories MCR

That's Memories MCR was a newer That's channel, but must have done well as it has now joined the primary lineup as That's TV 3 MCR.

How Are You Finding Freely?

Freely watchers are still few and far between, so if you are up-to-date with a Freely-enabled TV, let us know how you're finding it! From signal drop-outs to still needing an aerial for 60+ channels, and the broadband requirements to run Freely, has the switchover been worth it in your home?

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