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Freeview EPG Channel Updates September 2024

As we lose the summer sun and gain the autumn showers (and some storms, not great for Freeview reception, unfortunately) Freeview rolled out the latest EPG update for your TV's, USB tuner sticks and Set Top Boxes.

Make sure to scan for channels from a high-reception aerial to get up-to-date information on your channel guide!

As always you can find the basic table on the Freeview website, and for more detail or readability look below:

Freeview Channel Launches September 2024

Firstly, we have a bit of excitement this month! It's not always we have brand-new launches on the EPG, rather than simple rebrands.

2 of these new channels are available directly via Freeview, while 1 is one of the newer "hybrid" channels and so requires an internet connection (But not access to Freely).


SonLife is a brand-new broadcast landing on Freeview Channel 96.

In what seems to be a huge upward trend (Maybe ahead of the Christian-focused Christmas season?) SonLife is yet another Christian religious channel.

Operated by Jimmy Swaggart Ministries, the SonLife Freeview TV Channel shows roundtable discussions on the Bible, footage taken directly from Jimmy Swaggart talks (Barbarically named "Crusades") around the world, and news on current events.

wedotv Movies

wedotv Movies is the "Hybrid" channel of the new 3 to hit your EPG this month. This means you can only watch wedotv Movies if you have an internet-enabled TV or Tuner.

Despite the channel having being on the EPG now at Freeview Channel 275, you'll still need an internet connection!

wedotv Movies is exactly what is says on the tin: the movies department of streaming platform "wedotv". wedotv Movies provides back-to-back films from the biggest titles to under-the-radar releases.

Maybe it's my age, but I didn't recognise a lot of the films being shown when I dropped in to see what wedotv Movies was, so if you want a new way to discover films you'd have never heard of, it might be a good shout.

Rewind TV

A familiar name, Rewind TV launched on Freeview Channel 95 this month.

This one is a standard channel, so you won't need an internet connection.

Rewind TV is true to its name, providing access to timeless classics like Whose Line Is It Anyway, The Prisoner and Mysterious Tales.

For all things "Classic", Rewind TV is worth a peek. Even if you only catch a few shows just to experience the sheer difference in TV over the last 40 years alone!

Freeview Channels Moving September 2024

With the 3 new channels on the EPG, there's just one small adjustment in the lineup this week to make some space.

TV Warehouse+1

TV Warehouse+1, the time-shifted version of TV Warehouse, has moved from Freeview Channel 95 down to Freeview Channel 94.

With the new Rewind TV broadcast taking the spot at 95, TV Warehouse+1 just hopped along to make room.

For those curious, TV Warehouse is one of the few remaining (although still constantly developed) TV shopping channels on Freeview.

Channel Name Changes / Rebrands September 2024

3 guesses which channels are changing their names this month...

Yep, it's our pals "GREAT!" and "That's" TV!

GREAT! Romance

It's officially Christmas (Before we've even had Halloween, and while it's still over 3 MONTHS away) because GREAT! Romance is now GREAT! Christmas over on Freeview Channel 52.

To be fair, I'm sure GREAT! Christmas will also contain a lot of romance, so it's not the end of the world for GREAT! Romance fans!

With Christmas getting earlier every year, to the exclusion of all else, I do wonder how long it is before we see Christmas in July. I even saw those Maltesers Reindeer in the shop the other week, only just after September started! Outraged as I was, I obviously indulged, would be rude not to...

That's Rock MCR

You know the drill, the "That's" channels chop and change a fair bit, but even more so as they have the old "MCR" variants from the original location in Manchester.

In this case, we're losing That's Rock MCR to become That's Fabulous on Freeview Channel 78.

That's Fabulous includes a range of easy-listening pop tracks from the last few decades, from Harry Styles to Katy Perry and Coldplay to Lewis Capaldi.

Channel Closures on Freeview September 2024

Finally for this month's update, we have 2 channels leaving our EPG.


It's with a heavy heart I announce that Mech+ is no longer supported on Freeview. As a hybrid channel it would have needed an internet connection, but even so...

Mech+ was the de-facto robotics channel, with fully remastered episodes of the original runs of Robot Wars UK!

Those ridiculous robot battles, with bots built by everyday families, students and more, were a huge part of my childhood so seeing them get a full remaster and recolour was fantastic.

Mech+ can, I believe, still be accessed online. However, it it no longer located on Freeview Channel 276.

RIP Wheely Big Cheese.


Yet another one of the GREAT! lineup, GREAT! Real has departed for the great TV station in the sky.

GREAT! Real was on Freeview Channel 61, so a relatively strong position considering, but with the saturation of other GREAT! channels and streamed content there's only so many "real" channels that can co-exist, I suppose.

GREAT! Real focused on shows like 24 Hours in A&E and Real Crime, showcasing the everyday drama of reality rather than the carefully constructed drama of TV.

Remember to Retune

As always, remember to rescan with your Set Top Boxes, TVs and USB Tuners to make sure your EPG is up to date. These changes are a mix of Hybrid and Terrestrial channels, so also make sure you aren't trying to access an internet-only show on a box without internet!

Until next time, I'm off to enjoy the showers and rain after those nasty spikes of heat we had! (For those of you who are the inverse, my condolences on the loss of summer, there's always next year!)

1 comments to

    Diannr / Reply

    Thank you for the Freeview updates so grateful, thank you

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