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How to OTA Update Your Health Watch

With the first ever dual-mode IoT health watch released to the public earlier this year, many users are now due an update and will need to perform a few simple steps to receive the latest features, calibrations and upgrades.

What are OTA Updates?

Unlike updating an app from an app store or having to download an update file from a website, and OTA update is sent "Over The Air" (Hence, the name) direct to the device itself.

Essentially the download and install happens "direct" without you having to go through an app.

OTA Updates are more and more prevalent as devices begin using LTE and other IoT networks rather than relying on a smartphone to do all the heavy lifting with an app.

In the case of health watches, the Audar E2 will update exclusively via OTA as there's no paired app on a smartphone, since the E2 works independently of any other tech.

How To OTA Update on Audar E2

If you're notified about an update, or just want to check, then you can use simple swipe control to perform an OTA.

From your home screen, swipe right twice

Then, from the options screen, swipe up twice

Then, tap "OTAUpdate"

You will either be told the device is already the latest version, or asked to confirm installation of the latest OTA update you received automatically over IoT.

Confirm by tapping the green tick, and wait for the progress bar to finish.

The watch will restart, so do not worry if the screen goes black.

If the process in interrupted for any reason, you can navigate back to "OTAUpdate" and resume where it left off!

What Do OTA Updates Do?

OTA updates can make a variety of changes to a device. Anything related to software and process can be changed, while of course hardware cannot.

While new hardware can't be added, sometimes OTA updates will enable or change how a hardware element works. For example, increasing or decreasing how strong a vibration is for notifications, or increasing the default brightness of a screen.

Other changes could be UI changes, new options added to a menu, or coding changes such as refinement of the vital sign or fall detection algorithms, increasing device accuracy.

By using OTA, a standalone device like E2 can stay up-to-date with its app-based phone-based competitors without you needing to plug it in and transfer update files or go through an app store download.

What Makes Audar E2 Unique?

Audar E2 is the perfect example for OTA updates as the device doesn't have an alternative. The dual-mode IoT connection is entirely independent from any apps, phones, branded stores or even web browsers. This means the watch will always receive direct updates done Over the Air and never require any tech know-how from our users!

This is just one way the E2 remains the most easily accessible health watch, with no requirements, no monthly costs and no prerequisite knowledge or products needed.

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