Gadgets and gizmos are forever being passed around at Christmas, from laser-projected protractors to those wireless robots that write onto paper for you. In a sea of gimmicks, it might be hard to identify if the lightweight and low-cost Bone Conduction headphones you see are actually great gifts to give a boyfriend for Christmas or not!
Here's everything you need to know about buying someone Bone Conduction this year, and you might just discover someone you know would really like some!
Who Are Bone Conduction Headphones For?
The unique technology of bone conduction is interesting in itself, but what does it really mean in terms of giving them as a Christmas present?
Ultimately there are a few main practical takeaways from this innovative headphone technology:
- High IP Rating. With an average "ingress protection" rating of IP67, Bone Conduction headphones are great for working out (Sweatproof), commuting (Rainproof) or even hiking and camping (Dust and Dirtproof)
- Unobtrusive Design. The lack of over-ear padding or in-ear buds means the wearer can still be fully aware of the world around them when using Bone Conduction. This is vital for office work or use in public
- MP3 Audio. For an older gent who doesn't care for all this new-fangled wireless tech, they can still enjoy Bone Conduction! Bypass the Bluetooth requirement with on-board music from an inbuilt SD card
- Inbuilt Microphone. Combined with the small frame and subtle design, the microphone allows you to use AI assistants or take calls seamlessly when out and about, or hands-free when working (or working out!)
These are the key features that make bone conducting headphones more adaptive than standard headphones. They can be worn by anyone, anywhere without obnoxious earpads or needing a carry case, and can even be used without Bluetooth if you prefer (Or if you're halfway through a lake district trip and have no internet!).
If there's someone in your life who love their music, needs a way to stay on-call hands-free a lot or simply goes to the gym each week then introducing them to Bone Conduction headphones could be an amazing Christmas gift!
Please do make sure they don't have any conditions which make their oscillatory bones more sensitive, or experience headaches from other audio devices. Bone Conduction is safe, but improper use or prior conditions can cause discomfort in the same way other headphones and earphones can.

How to Personalise Headphones to Gift
The EP400 bone conduction headset contains an on-board SD card with 16GB of storage space. What that means is the headset can be pre-loaded with hours and hours of their favourite tracks!
The days of gifting a mix CD might be behind us, but how about a pair of headphones with all the music you like built-in?
This also makes them perfect for technophobes who don't want to deal with Bluetooth pairing and the like, and who can just put the headphones on and listen no matter where they are or what's connected.
How Do Bone Conduction Headphones Work?
If you're after a techie gift for a techie target, then you might want to know the tech!
Bone Conduction audio is, just like all sound, simply vibrations. Usually, we want those vibrations to move through the air and reach our ears, where they've continue through the air and eventually be picked up by the very sensitive oscillatory bones in our inner ear.
This is why headphones have padding and enclose the ear, to ensure the vibrations don't waste energy going into the air around you and instead go into the air leading to your ear.
So, how comes Bone Conduction doesn't need earpads?
Bone conduction headphones are designed to vibrate your oscillatory bones through contact, not through the air. This means the sound is travelling from just outside your ear to the inner ear without needing to use the air in your ear at all.
This has a few effects, the first of which is that bone conduction audio is greatly affected by the placement of the earphones on the outside of your ear. Since the audio isn't just relying on air conduction, there needs to be clean and stable contact between the headphones and your head.
Secondly, audio from bone conduction is less prone to "leaking" or "bleeding" sound into the environment around you. It can still happen, but the volume threshold is higher.
For example, a song at 50% volume might be heard outside a pair of standard headphones while the same song would only be heard outside bone conduction headphones at 60%.
Buy Early and Save
You can secure a pair of EP400 bone conduction headphones, which are a pair with an on-board MP3 player, for under £50!
Whether it's a retiree tending their garden or a grindset youngster, bone conduction headphones are going to be a hit this xmas.
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